At , we put best effort to provide valuable experience to Job seekers and Employers. We understand that situation may arise, where refund is demanded by some one who have paid for our service. This refund policy outlines the terms & conditions for refund on our platform.
We do not demand any service charge from Job Seeker. We have not authorized any third party to collect service charge or any amount from candidate on our behalf. Therefore we are not liable to refund to job seeker. If job seeker pay any amount to any third party or to any fraud then 7Sailors is not responsible for that.
1.Free Job Posting : Since we do not charge for free job posting, therefore no refund can be claimed in case of free job posting.
2. Premium Job Posting : If an employer have paid any amount for Premium Job posting and encounters technical issues while posting the job vacancy and is unable to complete the job posting process, then he can request a refund. This request should be made within 3 Days from the date of issue occurrence.
3. Refund of Bio-Data Purchase cost : Employer should read partial bio-data before making payment for Bio-Data. Refund of Bio-Data purchase is not applicable in following situations A. If candidate is not willing to join B. If candidate does not appear in interview C. If candidate is not interested in discussion with company due to any reason. Refund of Bio-Data Purchase cost is applicable If wrong phone number is provided in the Bio-Data and company is unable to communicate with candidate. This request should be made within 3 Days from the date of purchase of Bio-Data.
4. If an employer have paid any amount for any service other than Premium Job Posting and Bio-Data Purchase, which is credited into account of 7Sailors, and employer is not satisfied by the service provided by us then employer can request a refund. This request should be made within 30 Days from the date of payment transfer.
1.7Sailors does not accept payment in cash and therefore refund shall be given if payment is credited in our account.
2. Refund request must be submitted within specified time frames mentioned above.
3. Refund shall be issued using original payment method, used for transaction.
4. Refund processing time may vary depending on the payment method used and other factors. However will put best effort to process the refund within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of refund request.
Please note that refund policy may be changed / updated without prior notice. It is recommended that users, review this policy before making the payment.
For any refund related queries, please contact thru email or communicate at phone number provided on this website.